Kevin Maher
Dr Kevin Maher graduated from the University of Maryland School of Medicine in 1991. He completed a residency and chief residency in Pediatrics at Maryland and then went on the University of Michigan for a Fellowship in Pediatric Cardiology. In 2004, Dr Maher joined the Sibley Heart Center Pediatric Cardiology group at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Emory University School of Medicine. His primary clinical responsibilities are in the pediatric cardiac intensive care unit at Children’s. A significant amount of time is devoted to teaching and research. Dr Maher’s research activities include neonatal CPR, cardiac biomarkers in children, and device development. Dr Maher works to further collaborations with Georgia Tech, aiming to bring engineers into the field of pediatric cardiac research and device development. To this end he is the associate director of the Pediatric Nanomedicine Center, the CHOA director of the Center for Pediatric Innovation and the associate director of the Atlantic Pediatric Device Consortium. He is a member of the Faculty Council at Children’s, advancing Georgia Tech-CHOA-Emory research collaborations. He is an adjunct associate professor of Biomedical Engineering at Georgia Tech.
Dr Maher has been an active member the American Heart Association, serving as the Atlanta Metro AHA Board president, and is currently on the national AHA Board.
Dr Maher resides with his wife and three children in Atlanta.